The Joys of the DC Health Care System
So last night I was on the phone and was hit by a wave of what I now know as 'vertigo' -- it sucked.
This morning I figured I should prob talk to a dr about the occurance and my eye stuff so I went downstairs to see if I could get some info on urgent care places from the person at the desk. She called the Student Health Center but they won't take non Georgetown students, so they told her to look stuff up online. She logged on and found a place nearby and gave me the number. I called them and was told I needed an appointment and they didn't have one until tomorrow at 9am (no way am I missing more work!). She referred me to the ER. I called the ER and they were estimating a 2 hour wait, so I said 'what the heck' and hopped the metro to Foggy Bottom and GWU Hospital.
The people there were quite nice but, bottomline, I wasted 6.5 hours - they told me I had a viral eye infection (nothing to do but wait) and maybe a slight infection left over from a cold in my inner ear (nothing to do but wait), causing the vertigo. BLAH!!!!!!
I met a guy from Baylor in the waiting room, so at least I wasn't totally bored out of my mind for 6 hours, but that and the nice staff were pretty much the only not sucky parts of the whole experience. Why on Earth are there no clinics for urgent care in the DC metro area?!?!?!
Needless to say, I was pissed enough that had anyone tried to mug me or something on my way home, I probably would have beat the crap out of em!
Yay for the day being pretty much over! :)
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